Friday, July 9, 2010

Three the Magic Number for Miami

July 9, 2010

Three years of mediocre basketball for the sake of one offseason. Three stars align in Miami for one goal. The number three still at the heart of the Heat roster. As Dwyane Wade stated himself in a statement last night, "there's magic in the number [three]."

It was just three seasons ago that Miami suffered through a horrendous 15-win season, easily the toughest season in the past decade for Heat fans to swallow. But great sacrifice has led to great reward for Miami as they have landed three of the most highly touted players in the NBA today: Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh.

Joining forces to build a potential dynasty in South Florida, these three star centerpieces look to change the face of the NBA with their unprecedented union. At the core of their decisions to play alongside one another was a singular goal: to win championships. And now that goal has become truly possible with the dynamic talents and skills that each of these players bring to the court.

From the onset, Pat Riley stated his promise to bring more titles to Miami starting with the team's 2010 offseason makeover. Today that promise has become more palpable and achievable. Preaching values of faith and family, Riley placed his reputation on the line as he sacrificed the Heat's future through his 2010 plan. In the end, Riles came through for the Heat organization by securing yet another landmark acquisition, adding to the Alonzo Mourning and Shaquille O'Neal blockbuster trades already inked on his resume.

Still in their prime, Wade, James and Bosh have the special opportunity to contend for multiple titles in coming seasons. It's only a matter of time before other veterans and quality role players buy into the same Pat Riley philosophy that lured the three stars to South Beach. One thing is for certain and that is that Miami is en route to the promised land with this new shift of power that will send shock waves throughout The Association for years to come.

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